Heather is an English-qualified solicitor, practicing in all areas of employment law.
She has worked for a wide range of clients, ranging from senior executives and small businesses to national and international companies, local authorities and charities.
She has particular experience in the financial sector, having worked for many years for both UK and American banks.
Heather studied law at Trinity Hall, Cambridge before training at Linklaters, where she became a partner in 1999. After practising at Speechly Bircham in London and Brodies in Edinburgh, Heather moved to Australia from where she continues to advise on UK and international employment law issues, visiting the UK regularly to meet with clients and colleagues.
Frank has particular expertise in non-contentious employment law and providing strategic advice to commercial clients and institutions. He has sector expertise in the areas of financial services, construction, utilities and outsourcing.
Frank offers advice to companies and individuals on collective employment law issues, restructuring programs, discrimination, outsourcing and major change issues in the UK and to multi national companies as well
as regulatory investigations. Frank also advises clients on litigation and Restraint of Trade issues.
Frank studied law at Kingston and trained at Lewis Silkin. He joined Linklaters on qualification and went on to become a partner at Osborne Clarke and Beachcroft. Frank is also an accredited Mediator and has taken Arbitration qualifications. Frank is a member of the ELA’s international committee.
Her expertise includes advising on the following:
All aspects of employment documentation, including senior executive service agreements, contracts of employment, staff handbooks and policies and procedures;
The conduct of internal policies and procedures, including disciplinary and grievance investigations;
Discrimination issues;
Termination procedures and arrangements, both individual and collective, including large scale redundancy exercises;
Employee litigation, including enforcement of restrictive covenants, breach of contract and employment tribunal claims;
The employment aspects of corporate transactions, and, in particular, the application of TUPE
HIS expertise includes advising on the following:
Team moves and protecting confidential information transactions
Corporate Governance and transactions
Discrimination, bullying and harassment
Data Protection